
XiangBing, ShuRong, 2009 born cubs, and MeiLan @ Young Cubs Enclosure and No.2 Enclosure, CRBGPB

This morning I went to the Young Cubs Enclosure
to take care of two female Pandas
ShuRong, XiangBing, and four 2009 born cubs
QiQi, ZhiZhi, WenLi (DaDa) and YaLi (XiaoXiao)

After cleaning their enclosures,
it was time for their favorite Panda Cakes.
This is ShuRong enjoying her Panda Cakes.
As usual, she tried to take XiangBing's cakes from her!

Today it was raining and the temperature was
low, and the Pandas stayed outside all day.
We gave them some excersize.
This is XiangBing, standing up for her Panda Cake.

ShuRong waiting for her apples.

ShuRong has thick fur around her face,
and weighs14kg more than XiangBing.
It's probablly because she always takes
food from XiangBing.

XiangBing had to finish her apples quick
so that ShuRong doesn't take it away from her.
XiangBing on the left and ShuRong on the right.

We did the same for the four 2009 born cubs.
As the keeper Mr. Tang called their names,
all four of them ran towards us.

QiQi can walk sideways just like
WuYi at the Moonlight Nursery.
Everyone enjoyed her cute behavior.
QiQi has strong legs and eats very fast.
We have to make sure that she gets her
Panda Cakes after everyone else has theirs,
to prevent her from taking food from her friends.

QiQi lied down to enjoy her Panda Cakes.

This is ZhiZhi enjoying her Panda Cakes.

This is DaDa.

After all the work at the Young Cubs Enclosure,
I went to see MeiLan at the No. 2 Enclosure.
She was awake in her outside den!!!
It seemed that she had just finished her Panda Cakes
when I had arrived...

She had some crumbs on her tummy and was licking
for a while to eat everything she had left.

She noticed me and looked in my eyes.

And then she started to eat bamboo.
She carefully chose the tasty bamboo leaves,
and took a big bite.

Suddenly she started to lie down to
reach out for her bamboo.
She looked super strong!

After enjoying her bamboo for a while,
she decided to take a nap on her platform.

"Good night everyone, you know I need lots of sleep

Pambassador Yumiko Kajiwara