
QiZhen's new born cub @ Sunshine Nursery, CRBGPB

Today I would like to introduce you one of the
new born cubs at the Chengdu Panda Base.
This tiny cute cub was born on August 4
and the mother is QiZhen. QiZhen gave birth
to twin cubs, and this is the younger brother.

He moves a lot everyday and did his morning stretch.

"Hi Yumi, I am new here!"

The cubs stay with their mother most of the times
but as for twins, while the mother nurses one of the
cubs the other is kept in the incubator to be safe.

He slept showing his tongue.
He is such a cute little boy.

This is the picture I took of him on August 11.
He was still pink and tiny a few days ago.
Usually cubs sleep with their heads down
but he prefered to stay like this when he sleeps.

Pambassador Yumiko Kajiwara