
Vacation @ Chengdu Panda Base-5

Hello everyone!

Toady I went to visit the number 2 enclosure.
6 Pandas live in this area,
MeiLan from USA (Can't find her Chinese Character!),
雄浜(Xiong Bang) and 隆浜(Long Bang) from Japan,
three 2 year old Pandas,迎迎(IngIng),
NiNi,and 奇福(QiFu).奇福(QiFu) is one of the
grandchildren of 梅梅(MeiMei).

At the number 2 enclosure, the
keepers stay overnight in turns,
and they keep an eye on all the Pandas who live here.
They are treated like prince and princesses!
This is prince 隆浜(Long Bang) saying "Hi"

He puts his long nose between the bars,
just like his twin brother 秋浜(Qiu Bang).
He has cute eyelids, if you can see, and he is

"I'm waiting for fresh bamboo, is it ready now?"

"I need it now!!!"

He didn't eat Panda Cakes nor apples today,
and the keeper told me that he will have them
at night with 隆浜's favorite honey.

Prince 雄浜(Xiong Bang) waiting for the keeper to
call him inside.

The keeper gave him apples and Panda Cakes,
and 雄浜 went straight to the apples.

"HaHaHa, apples are my favorite!"

But he ignored the Panda Cakes today.
The keeper will give them to him
at night. 雄浜(Xiong Bang) and 隆浜(Long Bang)
are so different from
幸浜(Xing Bang) and 秋浜(Qiu Bang)!
Maybe they need some attention from the keepers,
and the keepers are all taking care of them
so well.

Princess MeiLan enjoying her Panda Cake.
She has a beautiful round face,
with fluffy cheek,
and the way she acts is like a princess!!
She holds the Panda Cakes
with her hands carefully.
By the way,雄浜(Xiong Bang) or 隆浜(Long Bang)
might be her future husband...
Let's see what happens!

Princess MeiLan enjoying the
Panda Cake crumbs on her tummy.

From left to right
迎迎(IngIng),奇福(QiFu) and NiNi
奇福(QiFu) in the middle is 梅梅's grandchild.

奇福(QiFu) enjoying Panda Cakes.

Round face!!

Seems to be so happy with the Panda Cakes!

迎迎(IngIng) is NiNi's twin brother
and is always crying with a cute voice.
A few weeks ago, he fell off a tree
and was in a serious comma, but now he is
healthy and is back to normal.

迎迎(IngIng) has long eyelashes.
It's his trademark and charm point!

Pambassador Yumiko Kajiwara