
Vacation @ Chengdu Panda Base-4

Hello everyone!
Today,幸浜(Xing Bang) was eating bamboo
at his favorite spot when I arrived at
the Panda Base.He was eating bamboo stems,
the hard part.This means he is really hungry!
He prefers bamboo shoot but unfortunately the season is
over, and when he gets hungry, he starts eating
bamboo stems.The type of bamboo that the Pandas eat
has changed, now they are enjoying 刺竹(CiZhu),
the bamboo that has lots of thorns like roses.
(Pambassadors, we all should know this one!
It was in our final competition!!)
It's also hard for us to carry the bamboo outside
because it hurts... But 幸浜 and 秋浜 are enjoying
them very much!

Across the window. When I called his name,
he looked at me and asked for something to eat.

Snack time!!
He seems so happy when he eats
Panad Cakes!

"HaHaHa, I love Panda Cakes!!"

"Can I have some more please?"


"Thank you! 
It's delicious!"

"I need to lick all the crumbs on my
tummy as usual. You know that I'm flexible!"

"I'm enjoying all the crumbs on my
fingers too! Don't want to miss anything"

He is 5 years old, and still acts likea child. He is breaking trees everyday
as usual, climbing the thin and small
trees instead of large trees.
I love him the way he is though, and
the keeper seems to feel the same way.

"Can I have some more....."
He knows that Panda Cakes for秋浜(Qiu Bang) is still on the
table. Leave some for your older brother 幸浜!!

Today 秋浜(Qiu Bang) was also looking forward
to the Panda Cakes, and came rushing inside
when I called his name. He has something wet
around his nose...

"Can I have my Panda Cake plaese?"


I couldn't take pictures while I was giving him
Panda Cakes, he was too fast and so cute
that I forgot taking pictures!! When I was leaving,
he was still licking all the crumbs on his tummy and

Pambassador Yumiko Kajiwara