
MeiLan@ No.2 Enclosure, CRBGPB

Today I went to No.2 Enclosure to take care of MeiLan.
These pictures are for all MeiLan lovers around the world,
especially in the USA.

MeiLan was born on 6 September 2006 at Zoo Atlanta.
Her father is YangYang and her mother is LunLun.
She came to Chengdu in 2010.

This is MeiLan in the morning, walking up to me to say Hi.

She started to eat bamboo.

She was very satisfied with the tasty bamboo today.

It was already near 30 degrees celcius in the morning,
and MeiLan started to take a nap. It must have been
so hot for her with thick beautiful fluffy fur all around her body.

Fist thing in the morning, I cleaned her inside enclosure.
Heavy feces and left over bamboo shoots everywhere,
even on her bed!!! Today her feces weighed 20kg.
She has good appetite and is healthy. Her weight is
around 100kg.

After cleaning her inside enclosure, I went to feed her
Panda cakes.

I gave MeiLan her morning excersize.
Although it was hot, she stood up and took a beautiful pose.

MeiLan enjoying her Panda cakes.

The cute thing about MeiLan is that
she cuts the Panda cake in half and
holds it in both her hands. She bites them
in turns.

"Is this a rude behaviour? Or do you think
people will love me for it?"

Lots of crumbs on her tummy.

MeiLan has thick white fur on her cheeks
that makes her so special.

"Oh no, it's tooooooooooooo hot!"

The keepers forgot to turn the water tub
in her pond this morning, and MeiLan
walked around to find water. The keepers
opened the water tub, and MeiLan stayed
in her pond to cool down.

Then she started to eat bamboo again.
Even from her back side, we can see her
thick fur on her cheeks.

Then we called her to come inside, and she shows her
pretty face between the bars.

"Hellooo, are you taking care of me today?
I'm a princess and all my fans are watching you
so please take good care of me"

We fed her with bamboo shoots inside.
In the inside enclosures, they have air conditioning
especially for the Pandas.

The weather in Chengdu is too hot these days,
and MeiLan and all the other Pandas stay
in their inside enclosure during the afternoon.
Unfortunately, she is not shown to the public
in the afternoon. She can have a good rest instead
with her own privacy, which is very good for her.

Tomorrow I will be at Sunshine Nursary in the
morning, and then at No.2 enclosure again in the afternoon
to take care of MeiLan and other Pandas there.

Pambassador Yumiko Kajiwara