
MeiLan, LinLin, SiYuan@No.2 Enclosure, CRBGPB

This afternoon, I took care of
MeiLan, LinLin, SiYuan and the
2008 born cubs at the No.2 Enclosure.

This is MeiLan enjoying her bamboo shoot.
She grabs a bunch, smells it carefully
and picks up the delicious bamboo shoots
before she eats it.

Lots of bamboo shoot skin on her tummy.

MeiLan and the other Pandas were kept inside
in the afternoon to keep cool. Outside it is super hot,
and although I don't have thick fur like MeiLan,
I was sweating all the time!
They have the air conditioning working inside.

MeiLan smells each bamboo shoot.

She even lies down to enjoy her lunch.
She seems to be so lazy, and is it because of the hot weather???

"AHHHH I'm exhausted, I don't feel like eating any more!"

"I'm taking a nap"

This is LinLin that lives next doors to MeiLan.
He is 130kg, and is huge and fit.
"Helloooooo, do you want to take a picture of my
handsome face?"

LinLin eats in a dynamic way.

He sometimes comes over to say Hi.
I think he was waiting for some Panda cakes
or apples.

This is SiYuan.
We can see her beautiful white gloves.

SiYuan enjoyed some apples.
She weighs 80kg.

She has a short nose, and looks different
from other Pandas and it's easy to recognize her.

This is NiNi.
Unlike her other room mates, she doesn't eat
Panda cakes on it's own, and the keepers
mix the panda cakes in milk specially for her.
Her special snack looks like porridge.

She has milk all over her cute nose.

This is QiFu peeking through the bars to say Hi.

I never knew that Pandas lose their fur
twice a year, in summer and in winter.
This cub has brown legs, but this is
caused because it is losing some winter fur,
and it will be back to normal when the fur grows again.

After taking care of the Pandas at No. 2 Enclosure,
I went to meet my boy, KouHin (XingBang)
"HELLOOOOO, you came to see me today?"

"But it's sooooo hot, and I am taking a nap.
I can't do any performance for you today..."

"See you tomorrow!"

Tomorrow my friend and his family will visit me
from Xian, and I will show them around Panda Base.
No activities for Sunday!

I will meet LanJinChao at the Panda Base on Monday,
and if you have any questions about Chengdu Pandas,
please feel free to leave a comment.

Pambassador Yumiko Kajiwara