
Day 3 @Chengdu Panda Base as Pambassador


Today was our 3rd day at the Chengdu Panda Base as Pambassador.

In the morning we made Panda Cakes that contains lots of
nutritions for the Pandas.

Putting all the ingredients into the mixing machine.

And putting it in a Chinese traditional "Moon Cake" mold

Steamed the Panda Cakes in this oven

And these are the Panda cakes!!
They look like Chinese traditional Moon Cakes,
and tastes like brown bread.

Then we cleaned all the bamboo shoot with high pressure water.
Captive Panads don't eat dirty bamboo shoot so we had to be
careful to remove all the dirt on each bamboo shoot.
Panads are very sensitive, and they only eat clean and
fresh bamboo shoots...

And delivered all the Panda Cakes and bamboo to each
enclosure. Each box has enclosure numbers, and the
quantity of Panda Cakes differ based on the numbers of
Pandas they keep.

Then, I did some training for 幸浜.
When the pandas need to have blood testing
the keepers feed them with apples, and the Pandas
are trained to hold on to a bar. He was a good boy,
and did it very well! 

幸浜's keeper 黄星 taught me how to do the training.
He speaks English!!!!!

Then we brought him outside to have some fun.
He's even laughing!!


Then I went to see 秋浜, 幸浜's older brother.
He lives next doors to 幸浜 and came to say hi to me.

秋浜 also has the Mickey Mouse ears and long nose,
and has the resemblance to his father 永明.


And we did the training for him too!

Look at his paws!! Long and sharp finger nails!

So everything was great, spending time with 幸浜 and 秋浜.
I'm glad that they live near to each other, having had the same dad and mum!

Through all my experiences, I will get to know more and more
about Pandas and all the difficulties in raising Pandas.
Keeping records of each Pandas every day, about the amount of
bamboo and Panda cakes they had, and weighing their feces is
the only way we can tell if they are healthy or not...
Their digesting system is so complicated, because of the fact that
they were carnivorous animals in the ancient times. I still think that
eating a small amount of meat should be OK, but I have been told
by specialists that through all the research they have done in Panda base,
bamboo is the best food for them. I will have to check out why this is.

Pamabssador Yumiko Kajiwara