
YaYa and 2010 born cubs, MeiLan, ShuHin and BingDian @ CRBGPB

Today was my last day at the Chengdu Panda Base,
and I went to say "see you" to all the pandas here.

ErXi and the 2010 born cubs were enjoying bamboo
with YaYa at Sunshine Nursery. YaYa will soon move
to another enclosure, and the 2010 born cubs are
moving to other enclosures also. They only have a
few more days they can spend together.

YaYa has been taking great care of all seven of the
2010 born cubs for nearly a year and a half.
Everytime I was there, the cubs were all over her,
but YaYa never ignored them and was very kind to them.
I loved watching them spending time together
and will miss them very much.

ErXi and the 2010 born cubs have grown up in the
past few months, and the way they eat bamboo is
just like adult pandas. They smell the leaves first,
pick the good part and makes bamboo leaf "sandwhiches"
and bite them in a bunch.

ErXi looks like a miniture version of
his father Shuhin (QiuBang, 秋浜).
It's always interesting to see the resemblance
of their parents, to see how the DNA
passes on to the next generation.

I love ErXi's white teeth.

And how he closes his eyes to enjoy
his favorite food.

Now he has grown up as a panda.
He is not soft and fluffy like he was anymore.

MeiLan was enjoying his bamboo in the afternoon.
I was happy that he was awake for me!

MeiLan is quite picky with food.
He only eats the good part, and throws away
the part he doesn't prefer.

Shuhin (QiuBang, 秋浜) has moved to
Moonlight enclosure from Quarantine
quite a while ago. Now he looks happy
with his outside den. He is ErXi's father.

BingDian has moved from No.14 to
Sunshine Nursery where LiLi had been.
Kouhin (XingBang, 幸浜) moved to
where BingDian was.

I will miss them very much after I go back to Japan,
but will be back very soon!

Pambassador Yumiko Kajiwara