
Ryuhin (LongBang, 隆浜) and Kouhin (XingBang, 幸浜) in No. 14 enclosure @ CRBGPB

This morning, I went to No. 14 enclosure to
take care of Ryuhin (LongBang, 隆浜)
and Kouhin (XingBang, 幸浜). The Adventure World
born brothers live next doors, and Kouhin is always
watching what his older brother Ryuhin is doing outside.
I took this picture from Ryuhin's outside den
while we were cleaning.
(And Ryuhin was inside during this time)

"Mmmm, I was looking for my brother Ryuhin.
I didn't expect that you were coming to see me today!"

Kouhin, who only moved to No. 14 enclosure
a few days ago walks around a lot to see if
this place is safe for him. He probably smells
BingDian who was here before him.

After cleaning Ryuhin and Kouhin's enclosures,
I watched how Kouhin was doing outside
from the keeper's room inside. It was freezing cold today.

Ryuhin came to say hello when
we went to clean his enclosure.
"Hi Yumi"
He sticks out his long nose between
the bars to show that he belongs to the
Shirahama family, just like his twin
younger brother Shuhin.

This picture was taken from Kouhin's outside den.
Ryuhin is in the middle far away enjoying bamboo.

Link to Adventure World Shirahama in Japan

Pambassador Yumiko Kajiwara