
Kouhin (XingBang, 幸浜) moved from Adult Area to No. 14 @ CRBGPB

On January 13, Kouhin (XingBang, 幸浜)
in Adult area was eating bamboo when
I arrived. He did my favorite angle for me.

He Enjoyed bamboo while we were
cleaning his outside den.

It must be very hard to bite on this thick bamboo stem,
but pandas are good at it. They break the bamboo into half,
peal the outside and eat only the inside part.

"Do you have something interesting for me to eat?"

As we gave him some fresh bamboo leaves,
he waved the bamboo leaves to show how happy he was.

We weigh the feces every day
to make sure that he is healthy.
Today it was over 12kg.

After cleaning his outside den, we let him go outside.

In the afternoon, Kouhin moved to No.14 enclosure
next doors to Ryuhin (LongBang, 隆浜).
He stayed inside for a night and went outside
the next day. I went to see how he was doing
in the afternoon of January 14.
I geve him his favorite panda cakes,
and he seemed to be fine with his new enclosure.

He enjoyed the thick bamboo stem again this day.

 Pambassador Yumiko Kajiwara