
Vacation @ Chengdu Panda Base-13

Hello everyone!

Today I went to take care of the 5 Sub Adult Pandas.
And guess who I met?
This is SiYuan 6 years old eating Panda Cakes.
She moved from Moonlight Enclosure
to this Sub Adult Enclosure a few days ago.
I didn't know that she came here, but I knew it was her
just by watching.
We can identify her by her white fluffy paws and round face.

She looks into the camera lense.

See her white fluffy paws?

She seems to be frustrated, to live close to
Pandas that she is not familiar with. Her neighbor is
JiaoXiao, and SiYuan was barking to JiaoXiao
for a long time. I hope she gets used to her new neighbor soon.

And I could feel her breath on my face. We could go
so close to her because there is a fence.

She got so excited, she started her performance.
SiYuan climbing on the fence and barking.

This is YaLaoDa, the second child of YaYa.
She is 11 years old and is such a great actress!!
This morning, the keeper called her to go inside
so that he could clean the outside enclosure,
but she refiused and decided to stay without moving.
In the afternoon, the keeper needed her to go inside,
and used the apple on fishing rod to attract her,
and the fun game started!

YaLaoDa pretending she doesn't care about the apple.
She's eating bamboo like crazy!

But she is watching carefully and paying attention
to the apple, rolling her eyes many times.
Then when the keeper lowered the apple,
she grabbed the apple and started to eat!!

I got the chance to do this too.
Now I know that she is so quick, and I have to be
careful that she doesn't take the apple for free.

For more than 10 minutes, I was trying to make her
stand up and walk inside! Tourists were enjoying
taking pictures of YaLaoDa, doing her actress performance.

And of course I lost.
She didn't even have to stand up!
AHHH.....She looks so proud.

After enjoying 3 apples for free, she probablly
felt sorry for us, and came slowly inside at last...
It took us more than 45 minutes to do this.

And she had her milk and Panda Cake.

I carried fresh bamboo to the platform that we built
before the Pambassador final competition!
I wish I  could see her sitting on the platform before I leave!
I put bamboo on  2 other  platforms that my
other Pambassador friends had built. To make it fair.
Let's see which platform she likes the best!

Pambassador Yumiko Kajiwara


Vacation @ Chengdu Panda Base-12

Hello everyone!

This morning, when we arrived at the Panda Base,
秋浜(QiuBang) was lying down on his platform and
eating bamboo.

And when we called him to come inside,
he approached us slowly.

"Hi, I'm ready to eat something!"

"HELLOOOOOOO, I'm fine today!"

"I am REALLY fine!! Give me something to eat NOW"

This is the bamboo stem that 秋浜(QiuBang) had
enjoyed in his outdoor enclosure. He eats everything
and has great appetite.

And this is 秋浜(QiuBang) and 幸浜(XingBang)'s
keeper, 魏明亮 carrying out the left over bamboo.
It's so heavy, and I can carry only 1/4!
魏明亮 told me today,

"The women keepers work like men and
the men work like Superman at this Panda Base"

It is true, all the women keepers are so strong,
and all the men keepers are even stronger!

This is how we stick fresh bamboo into the hole.

This is 幸浜(XingBang)'s Panda Cake feces.
It's always different from the bamboo feces.

幸浜(XingBang) eating his favorite apple
with a smile on his face. He has a pointed head!

He was rolling around in front of us as we
watched him do his performance.

We fed him apples outside with the fishing rod.
He always looks me in the eye when he is
enjoying his food to make him even cuter!

And he stands up to demand some more.
He is fit, and can stand up for quite a long time.

He tried to climb up the wall to escape
or play with me.
幸浜(XingBang) is always a great entertainer
and gives a smile to all the tourists that visit him.
Even when he is asleep, everyone is laughing and smiling.
I feel so proud of him everyday!

Pambassador Yumiko Kajiwara

Vacation @ Chengdu Panda Base-11

Hello everyone!

Today I went to the young cubs enclosure, where my
favorite keeper, Mr. Tang takes care of 4 two year old
male cubs and 2 three year old female cubs.
This is YuanZi eating apples, looking so desperate!!
However, he likes standing up even when we are not
feeding him, and although he looks slim, it's just
because his fur is short. According to one of the keepers,
his "black fur" was "grey" when he was a baby, , and now
it is "brown".

Two fighting for apples, one eating bamboo,
and one is slowly approaching to snatch the apple.

I carried outside all the left over bamboo,
and brought in fresh ones.
Pandas only eat fresh bamboo, and therefore
we bring fresh bamboos every 4 hours.
Sometimes when the weather is sunny and dry,
we do this every 3 hours.
Heavy and hard work!!

My favorite Keeper Mr. Tang helped me to
stick bamboo into the hole.
We do this to make it look like bamboos
are growing from the ground, to show it natural.

This is XiangBing and ShuRong.
They are close to each other as usual, just like twins!
(But Shu Ron has a REALLY round face, and is easy to identify )

And these are the new borns. Adorable!!
2 months ago, they were sleeping most of the time
without moving, but now they are moving around restlessly.
They're so cute, trying to walk around,
landing on other babies and using other babies as pillows.
They make a noise quite a lot, and are so active!!

Some can even sit down!!

JiaoZi holding her baby JiaoQing at the Sunshine Nursary

ErYaTou holding ErXi

YaYa holding YaYun

Tomorrow morning I am taking care of  幸浜(XingBang) and 秋浜(QiuBang).
Can't wait!!!!!

Pambassador Yumiko Kajiwara


Vacation @ Chengdu Panda Base-10

Hello everyone!

I have been away from Chengdu for a few days
to attend Chinese Pambassador CiCi's wedding in
Guangzhou! Congratulations CiCi!!!

Before I went to Guangzhou,
I visited the No.1 Enclosure at the Chengdu Panda Base
for the first time.

He is familiar to the Japanese Panda fans,
since he was in the movie "Pandaful Life".
He takes time eating Panda Cakes,
but when it comes to bamboo leaves,
he's so fast!! He lived with 3 female Pandas
for a while, but now lives alone in no. 1 Enclosure.


And this is to the Japanese Panda fans,
does anyone know her?
She (Ms. 王樹群) is a keeper who works for Chengdu Panda Base,
and was transfered to Wakayama Adventure World in 2008
to take care of  the twins 梅浜(MeiHin) and 永浜(EiHin)
when they were born. She knows everything about
the Japan born Pandas, and we had a great time talking
about the Pandas calling them in their original Japanese names!!
In the right is 勇勇(YongYong) eating bamboo.

And she is also introduced in the book written
by the Panda Keeper at Wakayama Adventure World,
「パンダのひ・み・つ」-"The Secrets of Pandas".
We found her picture holding 梅浜(MeiHin)
when I was showing the book to her.
She seemed to be surprised and excited!
So we took a picture together with the book.

And this is JiLi in the front sleeping with her foot up in the air,
and XingYa in the back, she doesn't mind being a pillow for
JiLi. This is their favorite spot.

It was such a nice weather, and they were
probablly having sweet dreams.

And this is XingRong sleeping on the bed.
She looks like she is falling off the bed, but
she stayed like this during the whole time while I was

This is 北川(BeiChuan) rescued from the wild a few months ago.
I would like to talk about her at another occasion.

Pambassador Yumiko Kajiwara


Vacation @ Chengdu Panda Base-9

Hello everyone!

Today I went to the Moonlight Nursary,
the furthest enclosures from the entrance
at the Chengdu Panda Base.
During the one month training period,
I did not have the time to visit them so much
since it is a 20 minutes walking distance from number 14 Enclosure
where I was taking care of  幸浜(XingBang) and 秋浜(QiuBang).
Among all the beautiful and amazing Pandas
that live here, today I would like to introduce
all the"梅梅" -MeiMei related Pandas at the Moonlight Enclosure.

梅梅(MeiMei) had given birth to 2 female Pandas
before she came to "Adventure World" in Shirahama Japan.
Their names are 奇珍(QiZhen) and 奇縁(QiYuan), and
they are real elder sisters of 良浜(LiangBang) in Adventure World.
The twins, 奇珍(QiZhen) and 奇縁(QiYuan) gave birth to
11 Pandas all together, and currently 6 of them live happily in
Chengdu Panda Base.

This is 蜀蘭(ShuLan), 梅梅(MeiMei)'s twin sister!
She is 16 years old, but looks so young,
and has the round cute face that reminds us of
梅梅(MeiMei). In the morning she came to say "Hi"
to the Japanese Pambassador.
She was shy at first,
coming out from behind the walls.

In the afternoon when I went there to give her some
Panda Cakes, she was eating bamboo leaves quietly.
As soon as I called her name and showed her
the Panda Cake, she ran towards me and did some
afternoon exersize.
Ummm, great to have an exersize after lunch!

"Panda Cakes are my favorite!!!
I still have some bamboo leaves on my chest
that I was eating before you came with the Panda Cake"

This is 思縁(SiYuan), one of 梅梅(MeiMei)'s grand child.
She is 6 years old, and is wearing white fluffy gloves
on both her hands. Can you see?

And she likes to sit around the pond.
Well actually, today she was sitting on the rim of the pond.
Sometimes at summer time she puts her hands in the water
and take a nap and it looks like she's washing her hands.
Is that why her hands are white?

The way she eats Panda Cakes is like a princess!
Or maybe not?

And she also did the afternoon exersize.

五一(WuYi) on the left, and his girlfriend YaZai.
五一(WuYi) is one of MeiMei's grandchild too.
When he was born, he weighed only 51g,
and that is why his name is WuYi-which means 51 in Chinese.
And now he is so proud that he weighs 104kg!
Grabs the bamboo leaves as much as he can, and
takes a big bite! Pambassador David was taking care
of WuYi during his training period.

Panda Cakes in the afternoon.
I took a movie that I would like to upload when I go back to
Tokyo. 五一(WuYi)'s "Panda Cake Dance" is adorable.
Pambassador David was always showing us all
how 五一(WuYi) does the dance, I would like to upload that
movie too, if I can get the permission from David!

After the Panda Cake, they started to eat bamboo together.
Sometimes they seem so close! 五一(WuYi) on the left and
YaZai on the right.

歓歓(HuanHuan) taking a nap beside the pond.
She is also one of 梅梅(MeiMei)'s grandchild,
and is 2 years old.

歓歓(HuanHuan) trying to eat some leaves on the brick wall.
It's interesting to see Pandas trying to eat something apart from
bamboo. Sometimes I see them eating tree branch,
and the keepers tell me that "THEY ARE HUNGRY"
Maybe the Wild Pandas do the same thing...

HuanHuan striking a pose.
"Do I look like a supermodel?"

This one looks just like human!!
She seems to understand that I wanted to take
pictures! And she's so good at it!
I wish I had half her talent.

Pambassador Yumiko Kajiwara