
ErXi and AiLi @ Sunshine Nursery, CRBGPB

This morning I went to the Panda Base to take care of
the 2010 born cubs at the Sunshine Nursery.
In the morning the four cubs JiaoQing, ErXi, ZhenHao
and YaYun were very playful, and I had to wait outside
for half an hour until they became a bit quiet.

ErXi ran around a lot, and needed some time to
cool down in his favorite pond. Now the
2010 born cubs are so big and strong, and
they hardly fall asleep like they used to!

ErXi stayed in the pond for a few minutes
to catch his breath. He had been running
after me for over 20 minutes, which
made me exhausted too.

Then he started to take a bite on a
branch as usual. This is not bamboo.

He has beautiful white teeth!

JiaoQing does the same behind
ErXi. These two are the biggest ones
among the seven cubs that were
born last year.

All the trees are covered in bamboo on the
bottom so that the cubs can't easily climb
the trees. I think it's because all seven cubs
are now so big and strong, and it's hard to call
them back inside when it gets too hot.

ErXi played on the wooden platform.

It looks like he was smiling!

He grabs everything he sees and
smells it to see if he can play with it.

ErXi desperately wanted to climb his
favorite tree, and walked along the side
of this tree for a while to see if there is
anything he could do.

But then he gave up and bit some
branch again.

ErXi tried to escape from his
outside playground.

"It's a pitty that I can't go outside..."

"Bye bye Yumi, see you tomorrow!"

While I was away from Chengdu for 10 days,
several cubs were born at the Chengdu Panda Base!
This is AiLi, the cub that was born in July when
I was still in Chengdu, and now she is black and white!
She looks more like a panda than
the last time I saw her at the end of July.

AiLi weighs more than 500g now.
She was 161g when she was born, and it's amazing
how big she has grown!

This is feces of new born cubs.

Pambassador Yumiko Kajiwara