Today when I went to meet 幸浜(XingBang) in the afternoon,
he was eating bamboo inside, waiting for panda cakes.
And I went outside to give him some
afternoon excersize as usual.
(No picture, because I was doing it alone!)
"Yummy!! HAHAHA "
"Can I have some more please?"
"Oh, no more Panda Cakes?
Then I'm goin to bed!"
"Are you sure you don't have any more??"
This is 秋浜(QiuBang) in the afternoon.
He came too close and I couldn't focus my camera...
"HELLOOOOO, any Panda Cakes for me?
I heard that 幸浜(QiuBang) had already had his!!"
"I'm so hungry! I've been waiting for ages for Panda Cakes"
And the way 秋浜(QiuBang) drinks water is so cute!
Too close!
"Any more Panda Cakes?"
It's so interesting to see the 4 brothers that came
from Japan. 幸浜(XingBang) and 秋浜(QiuBang) love
Panda Cakes and asks for more every day! But at the
same time they are clever, and know how many
Panda Cakes they can have.
This is the Young Cub's enclosure.
Mr.Tang giving ShuRong and XiangBing
their afternoon excersize. ShuRong on the left
and XiangBing on the right.
XiangBing always stands up to grab her
All the tourists had a smile on their face.
Tomorrow morning I will visit the Sub Adult Enclosure.
Pambassador Yumiko Kajiwara